The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

Albino sweet potato spooning ginger sweet potato

This made me smile earlier as I was making my dinner!

Jul, 31

Evil grinning steroid cake

I just stopped and suddenly wondered why I’m dancing around my kitchen with AFX on full blast frantically baking a chocolate cake at 90mph after spending the best part of the last week flaked out […]

Jul, 31

Chemo dragon face selfie

I’m on my way to chemotherapy session 3 which means that I’m halfway through already, whoop whoop, bring on the poison! Today I am accompanied by my dear friend Lucy and our song for the […]

Jul, 29

Purple gifts

I was gifted with these lovely purple delights from some lovely people. I think they go together very well!

Jul, 24

Brenda the man eating plant

This is Brenda my man eating plant that my Mum bought me. Behave yourselves men of Brighton or you’ll become plant food, Brenda’s a very hungry girl this afternoon…

Jul, 19

Chorizo cat hat

Today’s turban is a very special one… This AMAZING Chorizo Cat hat knitted by the fair hand of my friend Jim! Best hat ever even though I had to take it off in the sweltering […]

Jul, 18

The entrance to hell

I’m spending a lot of time staring out my back door at the moment. The house that backs onto ours is really mysterious, the curtains are filthy, windows smashed and filmed in grease and the […]

Jul, 17
