I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.
I finally found a wig I will actually wear. The sensible dowdy NHS one that cost £250 remains firmly on my shelf gathering dust. Instead I have taken to browsing cosplay websites and found this […]
I managed to create a monstrosity this afternoon. It’s supposed to be a lemon drizzle cake for my friends wedding but the cake decided to reject it’s own filling. People keep saying it looks like […]
Thank you so much to my lovely amazing mummy who sent me a parcel to cheer me up. Yes, those are brain ice cube moulds, and no, they’re not for the bloody ice bucket […]
I’ve been making drinks of grated ginger in hot water with honey and lemon and noticed a specimen of ginger today that looked like a nudibranch or sea slug. After posting the photo on Facebook, […]
I really like these Spirulina and Ginseng Bounce energy balls that you can buy from health food shops but they are mega expensive. Today I used all my energy making my own version of the […]
Can anyone guess what the above food mush is? The winner will win a Tupperware of a food mush of their choice. My mouth is so incredibly sore from the chemo that I have taken […]
I must have been bored today as I spent a few hours organising my fuck cancer shelf. I can’t believe how much paperwork and medication I have accumulated after only three months of tests and […]