The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

Beware of the burglar

Thank god the burglar look is in fashion this winter! At least my poor naked head will be kept warm with this bargain Thinsulate hat I got from a charity shop for £2.

Oct, 25

Batboob and robin

  Just in time for Halloween, my surgeon informed me this morning that the scar left from my operation will be in the shape of a bat. It’s even medically named ‘the batwing’, how cool […]

Oct, 22

Rude rubbish

I went for my pre op today and noticed this sign on a bin in the toilet. As I stood up from taking a photo of it, I accidentally head butted he shelf holding all […]

Oct, 22

Work top titties

I was chopping up squash in preparation for dinner this evening and noticed this lovely pair mocking me from the worktop!

Oct, 20

The best ginger wig

I finally found a ginger wig that is a similar colour to my old hair so I’m a happy cancer patient today!

Oct, 18

Herceptin and my evil tattoo

I’ve started having Hercpetin injections every 3 weeks for the next year. Herceptin is a fairly new drug that helps cancers like mine that are associated with a protein (HER2) that can stimulate the growth […]

Oct, 16

60 little buggers

My very last G-CSF injection. I’ve had 60 of these little buggers throughout chemo to stimulate my bone marrow to make white blood cells, thank god that’s over (although sadistically, I did half enjoy injecting myself)…

Oct, 10
