The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

My gang of 6 breast cancer bitches cause carnage in London

On Thursday I headed up to to London to meet 5 (it was supposed to be 6 but Aimee couldn’t make it) other women I have grown very close to through the Younger Breast Cancer […]

Feb, 28

The return of Berylhead brings luck for chemo

So it seems that Berylhead has a long lost sister that is still hanging around the chemo ward at the Sussex Cancer Centre. Check out this bitch!  After having chemo delayed for nearly two […]

Feb, 27

Narcissistic fundraising for the most fashionable cancer to have

The first thing I saw when I woke up today was this article ‘My Fashion tribute to my mother‘ about a 40 something woman who is ‘wearing a different outfit from a charity shop every […]

Feb, 22

The theme park from hell (what it feels like to be diagnosed with cancer twice at the age of 31)

I have scratched my head to try and describe in as few words as possible and this is what I’ve come up with. It feels like simultaneously riding every roller coaster at a diseased theme […]

Feb, 20


Back in October I produced an art project to raise money for Breast Cancer Care as well as getting my creative juices flowing after 3 months of chemo that zapped my energy, hence no art […]

Feb, 18

50 Shades Of Cancer

I have just been sent home from the Royal Sussex chemo unit as they were unable to administer my chemo treatment this week due to my blood neutrophils being too low. This basically means that […]

Feb, 17

Raising a glass to Claire

It has been a difficult few days after finding out that one of the girls I met through the Younger Breast Cancer Network lost her life on Thursday morning. Claire had just celebrated her 30th […]

Feb, 15
