The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

50 Shades Of Cancer

I have just been sent home from the Royal Sussex chemo unit as they were unable to administer my chemo treatment this week due to my blood neutrophils being too low. This basically means that […]

Feb, 17

Selfies with Berylhead

  I managed to get some selfies with the legend that is Berylhead last time I was in the Sussex Cancer Centre. Suggestions for Berylhead so far have ranged from ‘write FUCK CANCER across her […]

Feb, 05


Inspired by this Buzzfeed article featuring bad eyebrows, myself and some of the lovely ladies that I have met online through the Younger Breast Cancer Network have invented a new game called Chemobrow which we […]

Nov, 14

60 little buggers

My very last G-CSF injection. I’ve had 60 of these little buggers throughout chemo to stimulate my bone marrow to make white blood cells, thank god that’s over (although sadistically, I did half enjoy injecting myself)…

Oct, 10

Stick it on (my chemo playlist)!

For some strange reason I ended up choosing a song for each chemo session that I attended, I still can’t really fathom why. Maybe because music has been such a massive part of my life. […]

Oct, 02

The final chemo countdown

The day has finally come and yesterday morning I had last my chemo session. It has been a roller coaster 4 months and by no means at least finished – I still have surgery, radiotherapy […]

Oct, 01

Crazy like Monday morning

  My monday morning steroid face is super happy today as this is the final cycle of chemo. Goodbye sleep for the next 2 weeks and hello Monday pre chemo blood test, I hope the […]

Sep, 29
