The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

Ketchup or mustard from the chemo trolly?

I made the nurse laugh when I asked her for a hot dog with ketchup and mustard from her chemo stand earlier…

Sep, 09

Penultimate chemo

After a night of barely any sleep (thank you steroid induced insomnia that had me tweeting David Cameron with our petition at 4am), it is now penultimate chemo day and there’s not a better person […]

Sep, 09

Goodbye sleep, hello steroid induced mania!

  And so the cycle of chemo begins once more and I am taking a double dose of steroids (Dexamethasone). Goodbye sleep for the next two weeks and hello steroid induced insomnia and hyperness. Expect […]

Sep, 08

Another chemo side effect… feathers?!

So I have appeared to have grown feathers from my vein, a side effect of chemo maybe?!

Sep, 06

Another day, another chemo!

All my drugs change today for this second half of treatment so a whole new world of side effects to look forward to! Plus I’m about to start injections of a different drug that I […]

Aug, 19

Chemo dragon face selfie

I’m on my way to chemotherapy session 3 which means that I’m halfway through already, whoop whoop, bring on the poison! Today I am accompanied by my dear friend Lucy and our song for the […]

Jul, 29

The great ginger shave off (plus a new ginger turban for my newly bald head)

I’m just on my way to the hairdressers to have all my hair shaved off as the stupid cold cap hair loss prevention machine on the chemo ward at the hospital was on the blink […]

Jul, 09
