The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

First attempt at making energy balls

I really like these Spirulina and Ginseng Bounce energy balls that you can buy from health food shops but they are mega expensive. Today I used all my energy making my own version of the […]

Aug, 27

Guess the food mush!

Can anyone guess what the above food mush is? The winner will win a Tupperware of a food mush of their choice. My mouth is so incredibly sore from the chemo that I have taken […]

Aug, 26

The ice cream (bucket) challenge

I am so sick of seeing the ‘jump on the band wagon’ phenomenon of the ice bucket challenge smeared all over my Facebook news feed. A lot of the posts I am seeing don’t even […]

Aug, 24

Food from friends

I’m a very lucky girl this week. I’m feeling particularly rubbish as I’m halfway through chemo now and it’s really hit me hard. Thank god for my amazing friends… my friend Mary cooked me the […]

Aug, 20

To cakefinity and beyond

It was one of my best friends birthdays so I baked her a planet cake. It was rather cathartic sitting there clumsily trying trying to recreate the solar system to scale from royal white icing!

Aug, 20

Friday night with the carrot family

Another Friday night spent snuggled up on the sofa, this time it’s with the carrot family!

Aug, 15

Crazy rice n gravy

My taste buds are all going crazy and the only thing I crave is rice and gravy!

Aug, 05
