I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.
Is this monstrosity in the Sussex Cancer Centre supposed to help women feel better about losing their hair? Because it made me want to gauge my eyes out with a wooden spoon so I didn’t […]
For anyone that has ever called me heartless, here is living proof that you are wrong! No it’s not a baby, it is my cold black heart caught on the ECG scan. I have […]
Well the operation results are back in and it was a success! The lump plus surrounding tissue (called the margins) was removed and no cancer was found in the margins. I’m very very relieved. […]
Well the operation is over and done with and now I am at home recovering. The procedure went as well as expected and I woke up blathering to the nurses about dragons and mushrooms […]
Just in time for Halloween, my surgeon informed me this morning that the scar left from my operation will be in the shape of a bat. It’s even medically named ‘the batwing’, how cool […]
I went for my pre op today and noticed this sign on a bin in the toilet. As I stood up from taking a photo of it, I accidentally head butted he shelf holding all […]
I’ve started having Hercpetin injections every 3 weeks for the next year. Herceptin is a fairly new drug that helps cancers like mine that are associated with a protein (HER2) that can stimulate the growth […]