The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

Beware of the burglar

Thank god the burglar look is in fashion this winter! At least my poor naked head will be kept warm with this bargain Thinsulate hat I got from a charity shop for £2.

Oct, 25

The best ginger wig

I finally found a ginger wig that is a similar colour to my old hair so I’m a happy cancer patient today!

Oct, 18

Spider nest headscarf

Went to put on a headscarf this morning and it appeared that a spider was using it as a home to lay her eggs in!

Sep, 09

Hot date with my surgeon

I dressed up especially in a matching black and white dress and turban for a hot date with the surgeon this morning. It went really well, the drugs have worked and shrunk my tumour down […]

Sep, 04

Giant ginger Afro

I finally found a wig I will actually wear. The sensible dowdy NHS one that cost £250 remains firmly on my shelf gathering dust. Instead I have taken to browsing cosplay websites and found this […]

Aug, 30

Chorizo cat hat

Today’s turban is a very special one… This AMAZING Chorizo Cat hat knitted by the fair hand of my friend Jim! Best hat ever even though I had to take it off in the sweltering […]

Jul, 18

Help I’m a hippy

Today’s turban is entitled Help I’m a Hippy. I’m even wearing those flip flop things that I hate so much… *gag*!

Jul, 15
