The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

AFTERSHOCK! A new bar bringing back old memories

2014-09-12 09.50.59

Lush New Bar.

2014-09-12 09.54.50

Bringing back old memories.


After hearing many great recommendations about this product, I purchased a Lush New Shampoo Bar – designed to help stimulate hair regrowth. As I was walking home from the Lush shop, I started to experience smell induced memories from my local rock club The Agincourt where I used to frequent as a teenager. After lots of sniffing around, I soon realised that the Lush New Bar smelt EXACTLY like red Aftershock, a potent shot drink that we used to down and almost immediately have to run to the bathroom to perform some gymnastic style projectile ejection of the aforementioned poison.


I remember one specific time after profusely regurgitating red Aftershock drink (thankfully I made it to the loo in time) but the stuff went all over my red, orange and yellow fake dreads that were dangling in the toilet bowl and my hair stunk for weeks after. I have never drunk it again since.


Photo of my red, orange and yellow regurgitated Aftershock infused dreads (with my dear friend Lee on the left).


I wonder if I can get over the smell enough to rub the shampoo bar all over my head? Perhaps I will just have to pretend I am back in the Agincourt (sans vomit this time though). Funnily enough, Aftershock also looks identical to one of the drugs I was administered when having FEC-T chemo (epirubicin), although the chemo drug is probably less potent!

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