I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.
Yesterday I had my first haircut and colour in nearly a year after cutting it short, then shaving it, then having chemo all through the summer of 2014 and then it finally growing back in January 2015. Many thanks to my awesome best friend Lucy for consistently providing amazing haircuts and knowing exactly how to make the most of it. I start my new chemo next week and unfortunately one of the side effects is thinning hair that happens in 50% of patients. I hope that I fall in the other 50% but I am using the cold cap again to see if I get better results. The hair loss won’t be as bad as FEC-T chemo last year where all your hair EVERYWHERE falls out!