The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

Berylhead says FUCK CANCER by raising money for cancer treatment


Berylhead says FUCK CANCER.


My brothers awesome girlfriend Jess has set up a crowd funding page for me to try and raise some funds for my cancer treatment (and if you’re wondering who the hell Berylhead is, find out here.)


My ‘Go Fund Me’ crowd funding page:


There are many costs involved with having cancer: private treatment, alternative treatment, travel and accommodation expenses to name but a few. As I’m still waiting for test results to determine my type and spread of cancer, I’m sorry I can’t be more specific with regards to exactly what treatments I will need. I do know that time is NOT on my hands. The latest CT scan results showed that chemo has done bugger all and the cancer is having a right old party in my liver. I have a liver biopsy next week to determine what type of cancer it is and I’m still waiting for my gene test results. All these factors could potentially affect what treatment I can have. I’m currently researching the best and most effective ones and this may involve going abroad to places that offer treatments not available in the UK.


Even with a plan in place, treatment can change suddenly depending on how the cancer behaves and where it spreads. As an example; the costs of chemotherapy drugs can range from £20,000 to £90,000 per year. A treatment called the Cyber Knife which blasts radiation into hard to reach tumours can cost an estimated £22,000. Private consultations cost between £250-£350. And we can’t even estimate what other private treatment, surgery, travel and accommodation expenses might incur as my situation is currently so uncertain.


I feel rather awkward having money donated to me but I massively appreciate any donations to the page. In the event of the ‘worst case scenario’ happening I want the money to be donated towards research into pioneering drugs for secondary breast cancer.


  1. Laura
    March 16, 2015

    Adelle – there is now something you can do – you can donate! Even if you can’t afford to donate much every small donation helps too. Even if you’re completely utterly skint and don’t have a penny you can share the fundraising page on social media regularly asking others you know to donate, or you could do a fundraising event like a cake sale, or a car boot sale or a gig or fun run or something! xx also sharing Jo’s blog posts especially about the political campaigns will help others find out about these issues

  2. Adelle
    March 14, 2015

    I cry when I read this, wish there was something I / we can do xx

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