I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.
All my drugs change today for this second half of treatment so a whole new world of side effects to look forward to! Plus I’m about to start injections of a different drug that I have to have for the next year. But it’s all a means to an end (or hopefully not an end)! Thank you to my lovely amazing friend and housemate Denisa for coming to keep me company today. Our song for the day is Jump Around by House of Pain as currently I feel like a house of pain and jumping around is the last thing I feel like doing after a night of steroid induced insomnia and being serenaded by our student neighbours (badly) playing guitar outside my bedroom window till 2am…
Today I took chocolate cake and carrot cake to the chemo ward in my attempt to put myself off naughty food forever (everything I eat whilst having chemo so far has made me hate it afterwards)