I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.
Yesterday it was the International Day of Happiness and the only solar eclipse until 2026. It was also my friend and avid blogger Sarahs birthday (happy erm 21st?) and the day I started on a new chemo drug called Eribulin which was recently axed from the Cancer Drugs Fund.
I’m not sure about the International Day of Happiness as I spent the morning grappling with the horrific cold cap resulting in a full on meltdown with tears on the chemo ward before giving up halfway through. I then spent the afternoon sleeping off the effects of the chemo drugs which left me so drowsy that I felt like a elephant on ketamine. The solar eclipse I missed entirely as I was on the chemo ward from 9am. I did get a window seat but all I could see were grey clouds (pretty much the same view as half the population of Brighton who appeared to be watching from the beach – don’t these people have jobs to go to?!).
The wearing of the lucky pants seemed to be more successful. In preparation for the day I donned my pair of lucky red pants (I’ll still wearing them now), as well as dressing my teddy that I rescued from a derelict school (Mr Cheswicks) in matching lucky red pants.
After putting this on my Facebook status, my friends started joining in and posting photos of their lucky pants. I hope that our collective effort of lucky pant wearing has made something good happen. A massive thank you to everyone for getting involved and for the many well wishes that flooded in throughout the day.
Even the Berylheads were out in full force to wish me luck although the lack of having any body below their neck prevented them from wearing any lucky pants. I should have bought some in for them to wear on their heads.
I’m not usually a superstitious person but I just want something to go my way for once. I’m sick, tired and frustrated of hearing news that just gets worse and worse. “The cancer is back”, “the cancer is now incurable and spread to your liver”, “the drugs aren’t working and the cancer is spreading”, “you can’t have the drugs you need because they’ve been cut”. SOMETHING has to go right for me, please gods of lucky pants make something good happen. Even “the cancer is stable” would be some good news.
I leave you with a photo of my lucky red chilli hanging off the machine pumping the new drug round my veins. It given to me by a fellow breast cancer friend.
You are awesome! I don’t have cancer but I am struggling with 2 chronic illnesses and I find your blog very inspiring. Keep blogging! And great pants!
I’m not superstitious either or anything of the sort but I’m totally sending you positive energy vibes, man *hippy fingers* and asking the cosmos for some good news for you, awesome lady X