The Malignant Ginger

I'm Jojogingerhead, a 31 year old artist & musician based in Brighton (UK) satirically documenting the highs and lows of my secondary triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. Trying to see the light in a dark and scary situation without using the words fight, battle, journey or survivor.

Sponsored Skull-pulp-tures for breast cancer awareness month in October


Human Skull-pulp-ture.


Please sponsor me to make SKULL-PULP-TURES throughout October by donating as little or as much as you can to raise money for the charity Breast Cancer Care!


Throughout October it is breast cancer awareness month and I really wanted to do something to raise money for the charity Breast Cancer Care.
Rather fittingly, I finish my final chemotherapy session the day before October starts (September 30th) and I have surgery scheduled for the end of the month. In an attempt to get my body fighting fit for the operation, I will be drinking fresh juices everyday home made with my juicer. To raise money for charity at the same time as being super healthy, I have decided to create sculptures in the shape of skulls from the excess fruit and veg pulp that is left behind.

See my video explaining more about Skull-pulp-tures here:

Breast Cancer Care have been an invaluable source of information and support for me throughout this difficult time. I never thought I would be dealing with a diagnosis like this at such a young age and I hope that by raising money for BCC, it will help others in a similar situation and educate people everywhere to be breast aware.

Please share and ‘like’ my Facebook page to see the SKULL-PULP-TURES I create!


Here are some more photos of previous Skull-pulp-tures I have made (taken from this blog post here)…


Human Skull-pulp-ture.

2014-07-09 16.13.32

Human Skull-pulp-ture a week later.

2014-07-14 13.37.18-2

Ram Skull-pulp-ture.

2014-07-16 14.11.09-1

Ram Skull-pulp-ture a week later.

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